Professional Solutions For Your Business Needs
It is well known, that there were changes coming to the licenced linked qualifications for the UK based security secyor.
These were to be put in place to begin in sept 2020, but have been deferred until April 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic.
On the 2nd of Sept 2020, the SIA launched a consultation on top up training for currently licenced staff. Less than a week later, they announced that there would be additional training required for frontline licence holders renewing after Oct 2021.
The SIA posted this on the 10t:
“Last week, we have launched a consultation on top-up training for door supervisors and security guards. Have you had your say?
The top-up training for door supervisors and security guards will include key elements of the new content that we are introducing to licence-linked qualifications in April 2021.
We have developed top-up training to make sure current Door Supervisor and Security Guarding licence holders have the same basic skills and knowledge as new entrants achieving the updated qualifications. From October 2021, door supervisors and security guards will need to complete top-up training before they renew their licence.”
As a provider of SIA linked qualifications, we already have in place the resources to deliver the latest version of the qualifications.
We will keep our mailing list sunscribers advised of all announcements, changes to current licensing requirements and dates for all upcoming courses.
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